
[note: this website is not being updated regularly at the moment, but for updated info please visit my faculty webpage and/or check out my forthcoming book: Free Justice: A History of the Public Defender in Twentieth-Century America]

[an example of my writing:Progress and Execution,” at Public Books]

Hello! I am an assistant professor of law and history at Vanderbilt Law School,  in Nashville, Tennessee. Previously I was a Sharswood Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. I have a PhD from the History Department at Stanford University (focusing on United States history) and a JD from Stanford Law School.

From 2009-12, I ran the Prison Law Blog. Nowadays, you can (occasionally) find me on Twitter @saramayeux or email me at sara dot mayeux at vanderbilt dot edu.

Disclaimer: If you found this site by Googling “Sara Mayeux,” you should know that there are a few other Sara Mayeuxs in the world and I may not be the person you are looking for. Conversely if you are looking for me, I’m not those other people who have my name. As for me, I’m the one from ATL with roots in Louisiana and New York whose family loves college football more than I love Veronica Mars, and vice versa.